Vibhor has written
PSX has pretty unique games that are exclusively for it only
Psytechnic has written
I was all about console gaming... Until I got a PC... and an XBox 360 pad... Now my PC might as well be a console... Consoles used to be unique, so I vote for any Nintendo console before the GC. Anything after (including the glorious PSX) is pretty much a PC in a box with a pad instead of keyboard and mouse...
PSX has pretty unique games that are exclusively for it only
So how do you explain PSX emulators on PCs?
Vibhor has written
And there are unique titles for consoles too that are not for PC
like Crackdown for Xbox 360
like Crackdown for Xbox 360
Keep in mind that games for XBox 360 use the XNA framework, a graphics framework for the .Net framework... Which happens to be a framework for PCs... Meaning any XBox 360 game can be played (albeit not easily) on a PC...
XNA Wiki Page has written
Since XNA games are written for the runtime, they can run on any platform that supports the XNA Framework with minimal or no modification. Games that run on the framework can technically be written in any .NET-compliant language, but only C# and XNA Game Studio Express IDE and all versions of Visual Studio 2005 are officially supported.
Nothing is sacred anymore...
edited 1×, last 19.01.10 05:01:40 pm