Off Topic Energy drinks threadBut also you can get Taurin in chemical way.
I think no-one would let people drink Bull semen if there is anything else right?
Actually, energy's keep you awake if you drink any 2 hours or less one. If you dont, your even more tired than before.
Its becouse the huge ammounts of sugar inside it. It goes into your body and your body wants to deassemble the sugar. So he sends out cells to do that. After all sugar is done, there still much cells who build off sugar... thats what makes you tired.
Now, my favs are Red Bull & Schwarze Dose 28 (german energy drink (sadly)).
Energy drinks like monster and red bull? Junk like that will only give you Chenergy.
Namusan will give you Byakurenergy!
Hell yeah.
Okay, that was a fictional energy drink.
Well, never really tried an energy drink myself, I bet it's bitter.
Make useful posts, not that go from Redbull to Bull@$#%
Just try guys. its really good.
Also it has an orgasmic taste that when you drink it burns your throat.
Fap fap fap fap fap.
EngiN33R has written
Look at your face, there's 'gullible' written on it.
Never liked, don't like and never will like them.
Look at your face, there's 'gullible' written on it.
Never liked, don't like and never will like them.
0a has written
Anyone isn't going to try Rip It right?
Just try guys. its really good.
Also it has an orgasmic taste that when you drink it burns your throat.
Fap fap fap fap fap.
Just try guys. its really good.
Also it has an orgasmic taste that when you drink it burns your throat.
Fap fap fap fap fap.
It's not "orgasmic" just tastes good.
Infinite Rain has written
EngiN33R has written
Look at your face, there's 'gullible' written on it.
Never liked, don't like and never will like them.
Look at your face, there's 'gullible' written on it.
Never liked, don't like and never will like them.
ur taking to far..
i know wats 'gullible'!..
IWhoopedPythagoras has written
Memos is forbiden here