He should do that.

He should do that.

honestly ads don't make a difference to me, but they would make a big difference to DC.
Yes for ads!

He placed Add's for non-user visitors.
He should do that.
He should do that.
Speaking of non-user ads:

lol chrome
Well I guess DC won't place ads anywhere on this forum.

Chrome is boss. Google is boss.
He should keep Unrealsoftware free of ads. But have ads on cs2d.com as he does now.
I think it's cool, cus that way, it doesn't annoy us. On Unrealsoftware it'd be pain in the ass after a while. Especially on smartphone -> They makes pages load a lot slower!

Chrome is boss.
Chrome is Chrome.
Opera, Firefox, toasters, etc. are bosses.
But yeah, I damn hate ads, too, so..

Yes for ads!
sound like

Yes for aids!
to me.

Unreal Software needs a new background.
.. need? Lolwat, I don't even notice that background.

Unreal Software needs a new background.
.. need? Lolwat, I don't even notice that background.
Because it's black.

Because it's black.
No. I don't notice it because of

I agree
... I'm talking about smartphone use here, I surf US a lot in school.
ROFL'd at that image, so idiots who plans to revenge on this site will have shitloads of pop-ups.

Anders4000: link added!

Niiice, thanks! That is such an improvement!

I actually wouldn't mind seeing ads --> user/non-user...
Well I have all this space lol

Just use quote tags.