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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Apache uwu
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Hmm a exit popup when the post/comment text area has something.

Ex. You're writing a comment, you accidentally click backspace while outside of the text field, redirect warning pops up, you click "Stay on Page".

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

May be a little blog instead of a flash ad in portal? Sample:

Soon I will make a surprise in 1st of april, you will like it

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user ohaz has written
The only thing that wouldn't be that bad would be a link to a webchat client to the unrealsoftware IRC

Meh, TBH this would seem a bad idea to me, what with the somewhat crazy users that haven't yet found out about yet.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Navy Seal
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Introduce a new rule:

"Do not generalize your answer about a race or nationality."

Right now I can see a lot of completely stupid generalizations about nationalities. Examples:
"Fuck! why all brazilians post just bad files?"
"More Russian retards into CS2D."
"there are more turkish and brazilian derps than russian"
and many more examples, which I am lazy to show.
This might clean forums from about 20% of flaming.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user Navy Seal has written
Introduce a new rule:

"Do not generalize your answer about a race or nationality."

Right now I can see a lot of completely stupid generalizations about nationalities. Examples:
"Fuck! why all brazilians post just bad files?"
"More Russian retards into CS2D."
"there are more turkish and brazilian derps than russian"
and many more examples, which I am lazy to show.
This might clean forums from about 20% of flaming.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Deleted User

user MAX-russia has written
user Navy Seal has written
Introduce a new rule:

"Do not generalize your answer about a race or nationality."

Right now I can see a lot of completely stupid generalizations about nationalities. Examples:
"Fuck! why all brazilians post just bad files?"
"More Russian retards into CS2D."
"there are more turkish and brazilian derps than russian"
and many more examples, which I am lazy to show.
This might clean forums from about 20% of flaming.

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