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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user DC has written
because nobody (especially me) fucking cares. problem?

And after seeing this comment, I have given up on the Unreal Software community.

I'll still post work and such.

But I won't expect anything good to come of it, especially from nooblets.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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I think there should be some kind of filther, that would allow you to hide "My first skin" and other bad files from the portal.

Here is my idea:
A button on a file or thread saying "Unsubscribe". When you then go to the Portal, this post will never get highlighted again.
I personally HATE when bad posts I don't care about gets highlighted, because I feel the need to click them just to stop it from lighting up!

There are TONS and TONS of bad files being uploaded on Unrealsoftware each day. It can be a pain in the arse.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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As I've already said: When you see a rule violation, send a moderator a pm with the url to the thread/post with a little sentence why you think this is a rule violation.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user ohaz has written
As I've already said: When you see a rule violation, send a moderator a pm with the url to the thread/post with a little sentence why you think this is a rule violation.

But most people are lazy to do that.
Here's a good idea:
- Add a "Report" button next to posts and files. After the user presses that, he can fill a form why it's a violation and it will be immediately sent to user DC and moderators (they should have a report panel or whatever).

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user medeiros has written
user ohaz has written
As I've already said: When you see a rule violation, send a moderator a pm with the url to the thread/post with a little sentence why you think this is a rule violation.

But most people are lazy to do that.
Here's a good idea:
- Add a "Report" button next to posts and files. After the user presses that, he can fill a form why it's a violation and it will be immediately sent to user DC and moderators (they should have a report panel or whatever).


old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user medeiros has written
user ohaz has written
As I've already said: When you see a rule violation, send a moderator a pm with the url to the thread/post with a little sentence why you think this is a rule violation.

But most people are lazy to do that.
Here's a good idea:
- Add a "Report" button next to posts and files. After the user presses that, he can fill a form why it's a violation and it will be immediately sent to user DC and moderators (they should have a report panel or whatever).

That's a good idea, definitely easier than having to send a PM to DC and moderators. Click on report button, then you can choose which rules the following user has broken and there will redirect them directly to the post.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

then I think normal users should also be able to this list and a small note at the reported posts so they can go to the list, look at the reportet posts and then maybe click a "+" or a "-" button, depending on whether they think the report is justified or not.

this way, there wouldnt be sent multiple PMs to DC or the mods and all they'd need to do was looking at the list from time to time, since entrys which have been dealt with would be deleted from it anyway.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user DC,why wen I press "show original size" button and then press "next",next screenshot shows me the resized screenshot (smaller) ?
I want it to show me all others screenshots in original size.plz
edited 1×, last 12.03.12 06:25:45 pm

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user medeiros has written
Here's a good idea:
- Add a "Report" button next to posts and files. After the user presses that, he can fill a form why it's a violation and it will be immediately sent to user DC and moderators (they should have a report panel or whatever).

This idea sucks. Mods gonna receive shit loads of spam.
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