My server isn't in the server list :(
My server isn't in the server list :(
4 replies Hello everyone so today i got a big problem . I made a server and on start it runn'd perfect with players joining . But a few hours ago there was a problem .. No one cannot join it anymore
Even my friend can't join it/see it .
I portfowarded UDP 36963 .
I disabled my firewall
Can someone please help me ? I really need help .
Thanks ! Check at The LAN ! You Server is on the Lan . But , other people can see you server in the server list .
Nope , they can just join with IP
How can i make so they will join from serverlist without IP ? You still have to apply a setting for Windows Firewall and probably your anti-virus software aswell to enable players to connect to your CS2D server. Yes, even if it has been officially disabled the settings still apply for all applications in the firewall no matter what which is strange I know but it's a fact.
The thing you have to do is, allow private and public network connections to and from the application in question which is CS2D executable file in this case. Then everything should work like it should unless you have further problems ahead. This generally solved my problem with a few games.