If they like it, and think it will sell for more than $10, they "steal" it from the search results and make it "appear" to have been registered for more then a year.
Then they charge more for it when someone else wants to buy it. I know this to be fact as I have experienced it many times. Todays' is just another example. If you go to that site today you will see it is a FOR SALE sign and the other is ACCESS DENIED. I even typed the name in google and there is zero search results for that domain name even though they say it was registered years ago at "whois".
So, if you want a domain name. . .it is best to: buy the one you found available right after you search it, or it can be taken buy the actually Domain Seller. I have witnessed this over n over for the last 12 years with GoDaddy being a major culprit, others also, of stealing what people have searched in their domain search boxes.
edit: My apologies for ranting on, i will stay on topic in the future.
edited 2×, last 08.07.17 03:42:25 am
www.GameSoftware.com (or .de)
www.SimpleGames.com (or .de)
www.RealOnline.com (or .de)
www.GamingBox.com (or .de)
www.TheBoxLife.com (or .de)
www.Crazy2D.com (or .de)
www.2D-Box.com (or .de)
www.BoltGames.com (or .de)
www.2DGames.com (or .de)
www.MoonGames.com (or .de)
www.SunshineGames.com (or .de)
www.Online2D.com (or .de)
www.CodingOnline.com (or .de)
www.CodeBox.com (or .de)
www.CreativeWork.com (or .de)
(my brain dead now!!1.1)
www.quatsusoftware.com (or .de)
www.NightWalkers.com (or .de)
www.GamingSoftware.com (or .de)
www.CodingSoftware.com (or .de)
edited 1×, last 11.07.17 02:36:17 pm
Admin/mod comment
Thanks for a list of already registered domains... /DCwww.greencomunity.de
i really liked the comics.
Upper Sanity
Unlit Scene
Under Syndicate
Your games are also indie games, the main colour is green, and people work together to make the games a lot more fun.
I have no set idea for a specific name, but I think I am onto something:
community forever <3.
The thing is that a company already used this, without my knowing ( and I don't feel like suing them now ), so it needs to be worked on a bit.
edited 1×, last 19.07.17 02:03:11 pm
I also don't want a .de domain and when you suggest any domain please check if it's available. The majority here seems to blindly suggest stuff which is registered already - which doesn't help.
Also again:
But at this point I think I really have to come up with something myself.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions though. You can of course continue to post stuff anyway. Maybe someone has an idea I like. So far nothing really convinced me.
It helps nothing to having a deep meaning behind a name that sounds crappy.
So to me – sorry for reposting –
Maybe on second look and some meditation on some of the meaningless names, they turn out to be not bad at all.
Just let www.jevils.com sink in. Or
I guess, if the commuitiy came up with more random names, it’d bring forth some really cool ideas.
Here some of mine: