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English New Name for Unreal Software - Poll

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Poll Poll

Should we use Funky Fart as the new website name?

Only registered users are allowed to vote
Yes, use it.
14.75% (9)
No, we should use something otherwise
60.66% (37)
No, the current name is okay.
24.59% (15)
61 votes cast

old Re: New Name for Unreal Software - Poll

Super User Off Offline

user Avo has written
@user GeoB99: So mods can temporarily give somebody moderator powers?
Not only its powers, even itself. No moderator should be able to do that actually.

If any case such as user Yates' would happen in future, it means we have a lack of moderators and new ones should come in. Otherwise, givin' temporary isn't that good idea.

old Re: New Name for Unreal Software - Poll

Moderator Off Offline

user Avo has written
@user GeoB99: So mods can temporarily give somebody moderator powers?

Pretty much what user Gaios said. Technically moderators can change someone's rank and set up permanent bans so we're like user DC in this sense.

Welp, I guess we're going too Off-Topic guys. It's time to move on the original discussion

old Re: New Name for Unreal Software - Poll

User Off Offline

user SQ has written
@user Jawohl: Looks like someone created multiple accounts just to vote "no"

Whilst I am obviously against someone manipulating a poll's results by creating multiple accounts, this does not surprise me, as 'Funky Fart' is an absolutely horrible name for a website.
Eh, I guess it's literally a shitty name.
edited 1×, last 27.07.17 07:11:39 pm

old Re: New Name for Unreal Software - Poll

User Off Offline

Yeah I hate to say it, but I think 'funkyfart' is gonna take the website backwards, totally bringing in the wrong crowd, alienating the current one.

Honestly I'm still all for keeping the original name, perhaps have a poll for that?

old Re: New Name for Unreal Software - Poll

Admin On Online

@user Jawohl: I strongly disagree. People don't come or leave because of the game studio name but because of the games. (still I personally dislike "Unreal Software" which is why I want to change it anyway)

And that horribly stupid vote manipulation shows what kind of people are already at the website with the current name.

old Re: New Name for Unreal Software - Poll

User Off Offline

I feel like to much is going on right now. DC usually just wanted to work on Stranded 3, then the community implemented tons of features for CS2D (3D, voicechat, ...) and ofc the steam greenlight.

I dont care how you will call this website. But please remain the icon. Its so unique
edited 1×, last 28.07.17 10:48:42 pm

old Re: New Name for Unreal Software - Poll

Super User Off Offline

user DC has written
And that horribly stupid vote manipulation shows what kind of people are already at the website with the current name.
Lucky me, I've not voted yet
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