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old Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

BANNED Off Offline

@user Jawohl: Why do you think this?

@user DC: Sorry for that.

@user Alpha Beta: bro zelensky is fighting for the free world...

I would like that Ukraine wins this war but I dont think Zelenskyy is a real man. Look at Putin! He walks like a real man and people love him

old Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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Your judgments about despotism and the struggle for freedom are unsubstantiated. This is not the kind of candy to wrap in a pretty wrapper.

What I can say about Zelensky? - He is a good comedian, able to manipulate people, but also does not have the appropriate education to run the country.
Zelensky is controlled by those who pay him and those who threaten him. It is very difficult to perceive a man correctly if he says the words he is forced to say. Moreover, he still tries to do something on his own without any understanding of how to do it and what should be done in such a situation. Ukraine at the moment is full of contradictory attitudes - this is associated primarily with injections from the West. A similar situation was in Libya, for which Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown.

I am Russian, I live in Russia, I am a patriot of my country (but I was born in the USSR, and it was a completely different country)

I hate the whole party "United Russia" together with Putin. For more than 30+ years they have ruined the country - destroyed factories, plants, hospitals, schools, ... and kills millions of people by their actions.
At the moment in Russia there is no adequate power having an education of the executive/management/governance education.

Putin is a Western-educated military man, a servant of oligarchs and corporations, and he is afraid of losing power and money because of his own entourage. He does not understand the people in the state and is trying to create a force out of the military, Chechen militants (whom Russia has fought against before) and the police (Rosgvardia) to help him retain power. At the same time, he suffers from alcoholism (but has been coded in a clinic and now rarely breaks down) and senile mental disorders (possibly morass).
Putin has a shitty handshake - he is a former federal security service serviceman, accustomed to sucking up, unable to properly delve into a problem to solve it.

For the whole of vast Russia, the decrees are made up in our Duma (Senate) of 450 people.
The main body of the Duma is:
athletes (boxers with bumped heads, gymnasts, ...)
teachers, philologists, fishermens, doctors, psychologists, journalists, broadcasters, artists, cosmonauts, ... of course the military and the FSB.
In other words these are people with dependent professions who can not always run their own lives, and them are able to decide for millions of citizens of the country.
Well, there are 53 people are officials who somehow occupy state (budgetary) positions ... at least six months before being elected to parliament.
Some of our military ministers did not serve in the army (but they were guards at the entrance).

I love my country, I respect others (I know that people like me live there, who are forced to act as life makes them do), I love the Earth, I love people (I know that I am part of them too).
But I hate a government that lives at the expense of its citizens and spoils their lives in the process.
All wars are started by politicians, started by the authorities - who have not learned (cannot learn) to talk, to convince. Who want to show that they have an army, who want to spend (sell) shells and equipment, information about their troops and other things. Who want to make money on the bones (lives) of citizens who have to go and fight.

old Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

User Off Offline

It doesn't matter who I like more. Russia started a war against a peaceful country and is at fault. That's it.

old Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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We're living this way for a long time. I like the way you react only to european countries and you call that Humanity.

Full support for Russia and poor countries which is colonized indirectly until today.

old Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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I go for Putin, even though he's a brutal killer, but at least he is not supported by the Jews and LGBTQ movement.

old Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

BANNED Off Offline

@user khaled1968:

There are several reasons why many people believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a killer. Some of the main factors contributing to this belief include:

• Political assassinations: There have been numerous political assassinations and suspicious deaths of Putin's political opponents and journalists critical of his regime, both within Russia and abroad. The most famous example is the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the UK in 2018, which has been attributed to Russian intelligence services.

• Suppression of dissent: Putin's government has been accused of suppressing dissent, including through the use of force and imprisonment of political opponents. This has created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, which some see as evidence of Putin's willingness to use violence to maintain power.

• History of KGB involvement: Putin was a former KGB agent, and some people believe that his background in the intelligence agency makes him more likely to use violent means to achieve his goals.

• Lack of transparency: Putin's government is known for its lack of transparency, particularly with regards to military and intelligence operations. This has led to speculation and suspicion about the government's activities, including its possible involvement in assassinations and other violent acts.

It's worth noting that not everyone believes that Putin is a killer, and there is some disagreement and debate over the extent of his involvement in the various incidents that have fueled these suspicions. However, the evidence and allegations have been significant enough to create a widespread perception that Putin is willing to use violence to achieve his political objectives.

old Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

Super User Off Offline

Oh boy! Unleash the controversy! We can turn the Russo-Ukrainian war into a sports arena!

user khaled1968: You are fighting an uphill battle, my friend. Lack of support from minority members of society is not the mark of a good leader, or a good person in general. It is the mark of someone who does not have the proper grasp of the harms of discrimination.

It is not that discrimination is unnatural or evil. It is actually the most natural trait of humans, who are wired for intergroup conflict, and that is the problem. If a leader emboldens the discriminative tendencies of people, it destroys the lives of those discriminated against and creates a culture of fear against speaking out, as your group could be the next on the chopping block if you do so.

user SON_OF_A_GLITCH: Hmm.. your message carries the same, soft-spoken tone and paragraph structure of a popular chatbot by the name of ChatGPT. I guess when words fail us, we can always rely on AI .

Anyway, I expected to just see the same old debates, but people always surprises me with intelligent, nuanced, and unique perspectives. Shoutout to user Pagyra for being the best example of this. In never ceases to give me hope for humanity.

user SON_OF_A_GLITCH: About the first post, Zelenskyy is no freedom fighter. He does not fight freedom. I don't like the term 'freedom fighter' because historically it has been used to portray people fighting for unjust causes as good. As a wise man said, if firefighters fight fire and crime fighters fight crime, what do freedom fighters fight?

My take is that we should prank Putin by sneaking lots of LSD into his food so he starts freaking out. It would be great fun.

old Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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user ohaz has written
It doesn't matter who I like more. Russia started a war against a peaceful country and is at fault. That's it.

you need to know what happened in 2014

old Re: Putin vs Zelenskyy

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user MaksDragon has written
user ohaz has written
It doesn't matter who I like more. Russia started a war against a peaceful country and is at fault. That's it.

you need to know what happened in 2014
Ah, you mean the year when Russia started a war against a peaceful country because that peaceful country didn't want anything to do with Russia anymore. Yeah, I know about that year.
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