
> > Stranded II > Mods > Speed ​​+ God + Unlimited storage space
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English Speed ​​+ God + Unlimited storage space >

7 comments163 kb, 910 Downloads

old Speed ​​+ God + Unlimited storage space

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You can choose between
speed 2,3,4,5,6

4 is thus quite fast good luck
Did you unlimited storage space and you need not worry as you make always the chance you have no food and then dies so pay attention to the life + hunger + thirst + sleeping display and you will see that it is not changed a bit.

and who are you looking to display [ESC] is pressed and the storage space you see a Fairly Large sum.

much fun.

Mod By Keymo.
Approved by Seekay

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163 kb, 910 Downloads


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You can just press the ` button in the corner and type in cheat. To increase speed press execute script and type player_speed 5; or some other number to change the speed. Also, you can type player_maxweight 100000000000; to get virtually unlimited weight. I don't know why people need a whole mod to do this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
p.s. there's a bug with the weight bar. It only shows weight 0-25000 g, and if you have lots of butterflies or just unlimited weight, even if your inventory is half full, if you have more than 25000g open due to weight decreasing features, it will show that your inventory is full, making it almost impossible to know how much you have left except by looking at the numbers - just thought i'd throw that in in case DC sees this


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How do you download mods?


Mr Nobody
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cheats! :C
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

@user Infinite Rain: What kind of stranded person you are if you can't survive normally >:[ ?

File is fine I guess. I ain't an expert in Stranded II so..


BANNED Off Offline

Much fun.


Deleted User

Finally I can complete Stranded story, thank you.
I like it!
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