1) Wall Selective:
In this idea I thought to add a new option to label in Func_DynWall. This option does what the title describes, when selected, the wall that contains pink becomes transparent and turns on the floor that is found below it. This means that the transparent part is walking.
2) Jump In Walls:
In this option when you're in front of a Wall (I) you can "precionar spacebar" for it to climb and climb a Wall (II) and thus to the Wall (III).
When you pull a Wall (II) loses 5 life.
When you pull a Wall (III) loses 10 life.
If you are on the floor you can not climb the Walls (II, III)
If you are on one wall (I, II, III) can not use the wrench on it or on the same class.
If you destroy the "Wall That You Walk" (all kinds) will lose 30 of life by the fall.
If you are on the wall (III) Walk with -10 speed (for being in the highest part of the map).
The only weapons that affect all the heights are the explosives.
Do not climb walls: Barricade, Supply, Super Supply, Turrets, Dispenser.
3) New Game Mod:
In this mode you will find 4 kinds of zombies.
Class 1: Standard Zombie, 100 of life and the same of the common zombies.
Class 2: Fast Zombie, 60 life and 15 speed.
Class 3: Zombie Hopper, 60 of life, 6 speed and jump to the Wall (III).
Class 4: Zombie Tank, 250 of life, 250 armor and -12 speed.
Upon entering the server appears zombie class menu.
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edited 1×, last 02.01.12 06:29:34 am