Projects what is dc working on?what is dc working on?
39 replies[gasp]
Stranded III
Re: what is dc working on?
Deleted User Corvallis5 has written
I know this also has been asked 9999999999999999... times but
Stranded III
Stranded III
He working on it already -.-
He working on it already -.-
Oh really? There's gonna be Stranded 3? I never knew.
afterwards (in that order):
release cs2d update
release cc update
work on Stranded III
...or continue to learn math when I fail.
DC has written
actually nothing atm. I have to learn math crap for a test.
afterwards (in that order):
release cs2d update
release cc update
work on Stranded III
...or continue to learn math when I fail.
afterwards (in that order):
release cs2d update
release cc update
work on Stranded III
...or continue to learn math when I fail.
You still have school? I thought your already 24 years old, because in the Philippines, normally, you will finish school when your 21 years old.
Assassin moder has written
Stranded II already exists.
DC has written
...or continue to learn math when I fail.
Or you mean if instead of when. Or you just know that you will fail.
DC said somewhere he prefers CC to his other games thus far, plus he obviously wants to make Stranded III a looker, and making a large game like Stranded III will take a lot of time, especially if he wants to write ( as per another thread ) it in C++.
Bottom-line: Don't be so surprised, everyone has their own prefered things to do.