ead User Offline
Admin/mod comment
Please do not advertise your website, especially not when it's something this unnecessary. /Zero Website isn't fully in English and it's obvious you used Google Translate for this... So why should I use this instead of imgur? How long will it take you to shut the servers down and the whole service to die? ead User Offline
@ VADemon: Hello VA okay? We have forecast to end our project because moreover has already been paid every two years, all our servers are completely safe. Any questions send email to the team.
@ Yates: Hello Yates did not understand your question. We already know that there are other hosting servers, plus our project was created to serve others who need to host images without paying any cost, and that our motto.
@ medeiros: Hello death, okay? We are setting our website to suit languages in English and Portuguese as well as other languages such as Spanish. @ ead: imgur is free, safe, fast, unlimited & looks good. Yours is none of this. Why should I stop using imgur if it's A LOT better? thanks: has written
Google translate tho, Imgur is way more popular still let's leave him 1 year and let see. That's actually a start/beginning for your service image hosting but I'll still agree with most of the guys above. Yours need lots of improvements so don't expect many people will going to use this image hosting right now. ead User Offline
Of course there are other hosting better pictures, more this and an initial project, we want to expand further. Use our services who want're not forcing anyone here. Looks like im only one who doesnt use imgur Using Lightshot (prntscr) Directly upload when you press Print Screen key